Texas Personal Injury Attorneys
It is important you have trust in the legal team you work with. The successful resolution of your serious injury claim or medical malpractice case entails attention to detail and persistence. It is not uncommon for large companies to lose sight of safety. It is not uncommon for insurance companies to try to avoid paying claims unfairly. These large interests make sure claims do not resolve overnight. You must be guided strategically through the litigation process to exert pressure on these interests to act. Our staff is dedicated to seeing your legal matter resolved to your satisfaction even against these powerful interests.
The Monk Law Firm was founded in 2008 and its attorneys have served southeast Texas and surrounding areas for their entire careers. We routinely represent clients that have been seriously injured and help them maneuver through the litigation process.
We are committed to seeing our clients learn their rights and then stand up to powerful interests in expression of those rights.
Beaumont Personal Injury Lawyers
Our firm has won verdicts and negotiated settlements in a broad range of cases. We have the personnel and resources as well as the flexibility that use of the most recent technology provides. We are respected in the communities we are a part of and we bring the needed experience and education to face your legal matters without being intimidated by the legal resources of large companies and corporations that we litigate against on our clients’ behalf.
If your matter involves only consultation our firm will strive to make sure you have the information you need to make the best decision for your family or business. Not all matters require litigation, but it often helps to think in those terms to be prepared for the possibility or to prevent disagreement before it arises.
Beaumont Lawyers Serving The Southeast Texas Community
The Monk Law Firm is interested in helping local businesses as well as our friends in the community thrive in Southeast Texas. At times that may mean we help you stand up to a company that hurt you, at times that may mean we give you advice as to how your injury could have been prevented, at times we may discuss the advantages of making a will or the particulars of a probate hearing. In each case, our firm is dedicated to providing our clients the time and attention needed to have them understand the process they are engaged in. In our experience, that is the only way the client can make informed decisions at each stage of the representation.